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Dear Jack

Date: 10th June 2023

Dear Jack, when I came up with your fake name, I named you after someone in my family who has been by my side since I was a little girl. Someone who made me feel safe (and still does). Your name represents a wholesome person, someone who is kind, honest, down to earth and has a uniquely calming aura. And that name seemed perfect, because when I think of you, those words and feelings immediately spring to mind. Plus Jack and Luna sound like some kind of awesome superhero duo, which your real names in real life also sound like. But we're not here to talk about why or how you got your alias, there are some things I want to thank you for.

From the moment I met you, there was an immediate part of me that instinctively knew you were safe. I didn't know how I knew that, but I did. Perhaps it was the fact I could see a lot of myself in you. Or the fact you were so wonderfully calm and collected but in the warmest way possible. Or maybe even the fact that when you looked at me, it was like you could somehow see into the depths of my soul and knew when something was going on, even if neither of us could explain what said thing was. And the more time has passed, the more I have realised what a gorgeously down to earth, funny, genuinely kind hearted and incredibly loyal person you are. You will stop at nothing to ensure your students are ok and you seriously work so hard I do sometimes wonder when you find time to sleep...

I think you are a wonderfully talented person and I remember being so in awe of you when you shared your story with us in class. You have overcome so much and you being so open with your students, also inspired me to do the same with you. And time and time again, when I was on the verge of a breakdown or about to cry, you swept in like the hero that you are and told me I was doing the right thing. I remember you made me laugh when you (in your lovely polite way) told me I was busy overthinking my own existence with the conference presentation I did on Tuesday. I cackled because you were so right and the fact you felt comfortable enough to call me out on it and knew I needed to hear that, well it showed me a new sassy, amusing side of you that day and I've appreciated it ever since! It made me realise how much I genuinely appreciate having you in my life. I really truly do. You have taught me so many really important lessons outside of the course content and they are lessons that have shaped me and made me a better, calmer, healthier person than I was when I arrived at UCL last September.

You helped me become a better researcher and increased my (once broken) confidence around presentations, self care, research, academia and (most importantly in my books) being a plant parent. I love that we share that innate love of house plants and gardening and it's been lovely to see you light up talking about your allotment and seedling and other plant-based activities you have undertaken. I also love seeing just how passionately serious you are about taking Max on as the course student/staff wellbeing object. Since I gave him to you to care for, you've honestly documented the entire journey with more pride, passion and care than (arguably) all the rest of us who looked after Max combined! So I know I left him in the care of the right person who will help ensure other students on our course are encouraged to be their truest selves - a concept both Luna and yourself taught me as well this year.

I hope in the future UCL will appreciate what a true gem of a tutor (and person) they have snagged and if they don't, I hope you leave for somewhere that does appreciate you because you deserve that Jack, you really do! You are such a fantastic person and I want nothing other than the very best for you and truly hope that one day, I will be able to research alongside you and learn about object-based learning, wellbeing and object handling from a tutor who continues to inspire me to push the boundaries of my own work, think outside the box and be creative, because he does the same in his own work.

I hope we stay in touch and that we continue to learn about, research and be inspired by nature, objects and the people around us!


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