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Colorful Knitted Print

Neurodiverse, Anxious and Autistic

This is my story

Hi! I'm Beth

Welcome to my corner of the interweb


I'm an asexual, aromantic autistic arts in health nerd and I love to research, explore and learn about new things - myself included. I love to crochet and (in case you can't tell by the sheer amount of plant based paraphernalia on this site) I am a proud plant parent to many succulents and many plants and I love them all dearly. I write to process my lived experience of neurodiversity and the many complexities this brings me in my daily life. I'm honest (some would say too honest) but honesty is my way of dealing with my struggles.

 I'm learning to understand what drives me and my anxiety/trauma and how best to deal with these issues in therapy. I LOVE therapy. I'm that person who researches and processes something she is going through until she finds an answer that feels right and feel safe. It's taken many years but I am incredibly proud of who I am today and have learned to embrace the inner nerd, rather than feel ashamed of it.


So, how does this random rambly introduction to me as a human tie in with this website? 

Well, I started Autistically Me in 2017. It was originally an old google blog and I kept it secret, not wanting anyone to read my thoughts. But in 2022 I realised I wanted to openly and publicly express my thoughts, views and lived experience in a space that is safely mine. After all change will never happen if everyone keeps silent for fear of shame or stigma. 

When I started this journey of documenting my life at the tender age of 16, I was unaware of some important parts of me and as I began to realise the many parts that make me who I am and realised the sheer amount of misinformation and stigma that surrounded them, I genuinely got fed up of feeling like I had to pretend to be someone I wasn't and basically went "eh, lets just make a website for those hidden blog posts and start to share my experiences on the off chance it might help someone else". 


This little website is my safe space filled with my music, my poems and my blog posts that share my experiences of the world, through the eyes of trauma processing, self love and hope for the future. In case there is any doubt, these are only my views, my opinions and do not represent the views of other people or other places I may work for. But I hope this space on the interweb can become your safe space too, somewhere where you feel seen, heard and understood. Who knows, maybe it will stay only mine forever? But regardless it exists and if you have stumbled upon it, welcome! Please browse this site and if you feel that way inclined, share it with someone you think this might help - but only if you want to :) 

Please note: this website contains conversations around self harm, suicide attempts, mental health, anxiety and traumatic experiences. Nothing graphic is ever mentioned but these themes are part of my life and thus, present in many posts. Look after yourself :)

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