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Anxiety Poems

Below are a collection of anxiety themed poems. Click on the little navigation bar to be taken to the poem of that name. Enjoy!

Fighting for Control

Fear grows deep within, a seed which my past planted 

For not matter how fierce I may seem, I am not by it enchanted

It’s an illusion, it’s fake, it’s anxiety calling my personal shots 

What I can and cannot do, ain’t up to me, it’s anxiety that joins the dots 


Anxiety is controlling, it cuts deep 

Anxiety keeps me awake when I want to sleep 

Anxiety ain’t my friend 

Anxiety drives me round the bend 


Pain flares inside my mind, another has gone 

Anxiety has again used me as its pawn 

For I am alone, the silence scares me 

But still anxiety won’t let me be 


It’s dark inside, a maze, a mess, unstable 

The outside us it’s labelled 

Weird, weak, scarred monster, unlovable knower

They stare at my weakness exposed, waiting for me to sink lower 


My mind says, you should’ve… I’m never good enough 

And when I try  to fight, anxiety builds itself of stronger stuff 

It’s metal,stone, concrete,it’s unbent by my will

I am wool, the breeze battering itself against a rocky hill 


Sometimes I win, my mind at last quiet 

Then anxiety inside does riot 

It gathers itself and comes back when I fear it most 

A classroom, a tutors office, inside I am far from the safe coast 


In deep waters I drown, silence encasing all around 

My hands, legs and heart are strongly bound 

I’m sinking, falling too fast, danger’s inside 

And I sit there wide and damply eyed 


Sometimes I wish my anxiety were gone 

But without it, would I see tomorrows dawn? 

What would life be without anxiety controlling me?
What would life be if I were completely and utterly free? 


I can but dream of a time like that 

A time of peace and quiet with no verbal spat 

I will never know a life that is free 

For I know my anxiety will never truly leave me.




Let it all go. 




You cannot let this show 




Cover this all  




Please let me not fall 




Listen not to it 




Find strength in your spirit 




It will be over soon 




So you will not swoon 



Calm your heart 




This raging fear will soon part

Anxiety Attack

World shrinks, closing in, dark 

Colours dull, sounds blur, stark 

Heart pounds, hands shake, fear 

Breath dissipates, hearing gone, veer


Thought fog, mind rushes, inert 

Knees weak, tears fall, hurt 

Voices yell, people go, alone 

Body shaking, voice breaking, groan 


Legs collapse, body reacts, flee 

Tears fall, I’m gasping, plea 

Death’s near, breathing fast, panic 

Touch nothing, I’m invisible, manic 


Help me, see me, distorted

Nobody comes, nothing helps, thwarted

Words dim, snot builds, peerless 

No light, no future, cheerless 


Cold settles, fingers pick, pain 

Lip bleeds, teeth gnaw, slain 

Nails bitten, fingers bloody, slow 

Anxiety driven, jitters inside, woah 


Calming down, heart slowing, free 

Thoughts clear, body listens, me 

Colours brighten, sounds appear, here 

Breathing again, death going, seer 


Legs standing, tears wiped, normal 

Feeling again, clean up, formal 

Mask up, perfectly pretend, fine 

Keep going, classes return, mine 

Time ticks, what next, hope 

Pleading inside, music loud, cope 

Hide away, feel shame, clash 

Anxiety builds, not again, crash

Anxiety Attack
Anxiety No More?

Anxiety No More?

Sitting up late at night, wandering about in my head 

What would life be without my anxiety, would it be free of dread? 

Would I never overthink the things I had said? 

Would I be able to stay in those rooms from which I’d fled?


Could I go out into the world and be free? 

Could I go anywhere and not fall down mentally? 

Would I not have a nagging voice choking me? 

Is this what life would be like without my anxiety? 


Would I be able to speak to all kinds of folk?
And never upon my words would I choke? 

Would I have the guts in those classes to have spoke? 

Would I crack with my friends a really bad joke? 


Would I walk down a street, tall and proud? 

Would I finally be free of this darkened shroud? 

Would I speak freely to a stranger filled crowd? 

Could I stop my head from being always bowed? 


Could I sing badly for all to hear? 

And not have my head filled with fear? 

Could I laugh with friends while they drink beer? 

And laugh with them when they at me jeer? 


Think of all the scary experiences I’d be all for! 

Think of the ways I could leap out my front door! 

Think of the love that could make my heart sore! 

Think of the new people I could adore! 

There’s so many things I would do more 

If only my anxiety wasn’t such a bore

I'm Done


Sometimes I feel like I am powerless in the world I live 

Like there’s simply too much on in my head, so much noise 

Like everyone around me, takes from me, more than I can give 

Like within this world, to them my emotions are simply toys 


I feel trapped in this world so often I am no longer scared by it 

I’ve never really fitted in, been accepted by the ones I love much

I am always humming with anxieties hidden behind smiles and a quick wit

I know not a place where pain isn’t so strong it takes my breath, with a single touch


I often feel like I am not being myself but yet I don’t know who I am 

I lock myself away behind walls so tall I can no longer find the light 

Yet my feelings boil and simmer till they knock down my walls with a tiny slam

And then the protection I cling to, is gone, torn away and I am left alone to fight 


I do try to raise my voice, to silence her voice and keep myself sane 

I do try to be better, to be organised, to be “on it” and to keep myself alive 

I do try to eat enough, to worry little, to be brave and to keep myself from pain 

But no matter how many lists, ticks and grades, I never seem to ever thrive


I keep myself wrapped in mystery, not open but yet not closed 

I am fearful of forgetting something or letting myself go 

I never am at peace but I always try to stay coldly composed 

I try to keep the time from running away or going too slow 


Sometimes I feel like i am powerless in the world I live

Like there’s too much around for me to take in 

Like everything around me syphons from me, anything I can give 

Because I spend all my time in my darkened head, trying to fight a war, I’ll never win


I’m Fucking Done

I’m so fucking done with letting them down

And failing to keep people around 

I’m so fucking done with not being right 

And not knowing if I’ll win the next fight 

I’m so fucking done with my anxiety being a flaw 

And with biting my fucking nails till the skins bloody and raw 

I’m so fucking done with never being enough 

And not ever eating too much stuff

I’m so fucking done with hating who I am 

And feeling like confidence is a scam 

I’m so fucking done with picking at my face 

And hating my lack of (emotional) grace 

I’m so fucking done with the god damn scars 

And with the struggles they betray from afar 

I just want to restart back before I harshly fall 

I’m so fucking done with it all 


Forever etched into my mind 

I’m left wondering why can’t you be kind? 

There’s so much power your words hold

And you leave me feeling icy cold 


I cannot breathe when you are near 

I barely exist until you need me here 

I feel alone all the time 

Because you push me from your mind 


You don’t know me but you think you do 

You can’t control me but you’d love to 

You can’t understand me, nor I you 

Yet your words, they do cut my heart through 


Forever etched into my mind 

I’ve stopped caring why you’re unkind 

There’s no hope for us now 

So I will gracefully out of this bow



Sometimes I wish I could turn back time 

Change the past, make it better 

To change the bad choices,and the fateful crime 

To change the hurt and unwrite that letter 


To never say, to never have done, to have never slept 

To never have stepped, to never have lied 

But to have been honest, truthful and to have many times, wept 

And to finally, to the world, look with eyes newly dried 


Sometimes I wish I could change the present 

To freeze time, make the world safely secure

To make them happy and utterly content 

And to mental health, have found the cure 


Sometimes I wish I could change my future 

Know who I would love, if I would marry 

To never have my heart held by a weak suture 

And to know the children I could in my body, carry 


Sometimes I wish I could alter the past 

Redo the stutters, the unknown into the known 

Redo the work, make the meaning truly last 

And to with my broken wings, have flown 


Sometimes I wish I could change the now 

Make myself fit in, stay present and not in my head 

Make my laugh not so loud, to never have asked how

And to kick anxiety out of my warm bed 


Sometimes I wish I could change my time to come 

To know I would never be hurt, to know if I find peace 

To see if I would make it to 33 and if I will be accepted by someone 

And to know if my anxiety will ever to existence cease

Coming Clean


Of all the things I thought I’d do 

Failing at the first hurdle? I’m so screwed 

There’s no way to go back and re-do 

This RER assessment and me are through 


It was nice to be on the course, my joy was short lived

I guess I should have had more attention to give

I should have asked more questions, been brave 

For now I have to go it alone into my grave 


Because of all the things I thought I’d do 

Failing this RER breaks my heart in two 

There’s no way to go back and redo 

I guess this MASc course and me are through 


Coming Clean

When I came clean to you that day, you stood unshaken 

You told me it was all ok, that my trust in you wasn’t mistaken 

I felt a weight lift off my chest, felt the water drowning me clear 

I rose towards the surface, to look at this new world without fear 


For you see, I had panicked over how to tell you 

Wondered whether it was needed, if I could emotionally see it through 

I spent hours typing out the words I wanted to say 

I had to make it perfect for I was nervous you would run away 


You didn’t run though, you were a breath of fresh air 

Grounding me in a new reality, one that’s full of kindness and care 

You messaged back within minutes, you respected my worries 

You thanked me for trusting you, oh my tears came in flurries 


After we spoke, I didn’t overthink or sit in a stress induced fret 

I walked into uni the following day feeling like my fears weren’t a threat 

I laughed with you all day and felt so utterly free 

Like the world you introduced me to, was mine to experience and see 


But then came tutors that I didn’t know

I was trapped, I was cornered, they triggered me badly and so 

I sunk inside myself, I tried desperately to hide 

I thought nobody could see that my words had died 


But like an angel, a fairy godmother or star 

You noticed my brain had wandered too far 

You stole me back from the inside of my head 

You stopped my panic from taking me to the land of the dead 


You knew somehow I wasn’t alright 

You tried to pause my body's response to take flight 

Yet I dissociated to a point where I couldn’t engage with you 

But you kept on going, kept quietly showing me cute distractions too  


You kept on going until my head knew I was safe and here

You showed me pictures of ducklings, you stayed near 

You knew that I needed help when I couldn't even speak 

How did you do that? You made my world less bleak 


So now I trust you, really trust you on levels unknown 

I hope my confidence in relationships will continue to grow 

If I hadn’t give you the information that you did need

I wouldn’t have met someone who wants me to succeed 


So I’m proud of the fact I reach out 

That I fought through the triggers, panic and doubt 

Because had I stayed silent all this time and done what my trauma cried 

I wouldn’t have you, supporting me and standing by my side 


Thank you for letting me come clean 

For respecting me as a human, as an anxious bean 

I’m grateful to have a tutor like you 

And I know you will change more students lives in the future too

Let her stay

You can take her from me but I will not break

You can steal her from us but we will stand strong

You can try to break us apart but we will not let her go without a fight

UCL let us keep her

shes our hope filled light


You have tried to break the kindest soul we know

You have tried to destroy the course she helped save

You have treated her with disdain, cruelty and pain

UCL let us keep her

She's better than any "well known" arts in health name


In the face of inhumanity, we will stand against you, united

We will not let you destroy her or our MASc family

Injustice will not pass us by

UCL let us keep her

Shes is our lifeline


Dare I dream of a future with you in it?
Dare I hope that you might stay?
Dare I believe we might become friends in the future?
Or will you like the others, simply fade away?

If I dream of a future with you, will I get hurt?
If I hope that you stay, will my heart shatter if you don't?
If I believe we could be friends, what happens if you don't think so?
I don't know if my heart could heal from that kind of pain

Dare I dream of hanging out with you?
Dare I hope we might become true equals one day?
Dare I believe you might call me your ally?
and trust me with your heartbroken pain like I do you?

If I dream that we hang out, what happens if I mess up?
If I believe I am enough, what happens if I no longer have something you want?
What happens if I accidentally hurt you? I so hope that I won't.
But I worry if I do, like the others, you'll blame me and tell me I fucked us up

But I want us to get coffee,
to do the things normal people do
I know that I'll never fall in love, nor would I want to
But with you I feel like I am enough

I think I'm nervous of a future with you
But not because of anything you do
It's because I'm not used to people staying
And I so desperately want you to

And so I sit and overthink
I worry all the time
I'm panic stricken that someday
My inaction will cause you to say goodbye

Let Her Stay

Out of Control

Two numbers, my heart stills in horror
The world fades away, shock rattles through its remains
Words exchanged in a fit of rage
Who will survive this war you started?

Time passes but it doesn't heal the damage done
I watch my self belief crumble, a shell of what it once was
I start to see a future of failure, I wonder what this was all for
In this battle you started

I have warriors fighting with me but they're stretched thin
My support system falters, then succumbs to your wounds
The cracks spread, the world turns to ashes
This war you started may have meant nothing to you but it destroyed me
I hope you are happy.

Out Of Control
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