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Mental Health Poems

Below are a collection of mental health themed poems. Click on the little navigation bar to be taken to the poem of that name. Enjoy!

The Lies I Tell Myself

I am brave 

I am strong 

I am unique 

I am enough 

Will  I ever believe this stuff? 


For I am not brave, I am scared inside 

I am not strong, it’s a mask I use to hide 

Unique is something society hates 

Enough isn’t a word with which my mind’s mates

Happy Memory Ashes

You Matter

When times get rough and the sky above seems to weep 

When time slows down, and starts to drag and creep 

When time freezes, sucking you down into the dark 

Stop what you are doing and find your strong spark 


When life gets bad and the world seems to stop 

When life hurts and makes your heart drop 

When life makes you think twice about your worth 

Stop what you are doing and find time outside in the earth 


When your friends leave you alone with your doubt 

When your friends do nothing other than sit and pout 

When your friends you can turn to not 

Stop what you are doing and find your happy spot 


When your mind can take no more 

When your mind has finally hit the hard floor 

When your mind circles the drain 

Stop what you are doing and let your tears rain 


Practice self care, self love and taking time for you 

Practice saying no, not doing too much and stopping for a good brew 

Practice seeing the good and notice those who are there 

But most of all, know that no matter what, it is ok to share


Share the workload, share your feelings, share your mind 

Share your triumphs, your fears, share your kind 

Share the moments of beauty and hope 

Share the moments of horror and the moments you can’t cope 

Share your worries aloud, don’t keep them alone 

Know there is always someone on the end of a phone

Happy Memory Ashes

Alone. Always alone I think 

Watching as my tears start to drip 

Numb inside, no feelings to hide 

Watching as the blood washes away my pride 


One sharp prick, another thin line 

Ruby red, rose by design 

Voices nulled, stifled silence falls 

Pain enthralled, my shame to me calls 


Phone calls, fighting for my life 

No strength found within myself 

Fear rules my entire world

My struggles have finally been unfurled


But nobody notices, wrapped in their own worlds 

I struggle to stand, brand new cuts stinging 

Utter emptiness flows within me  

As I try to cry out for them to see 


Weeks pass in a crawl, my uni life crumbles 

People are let down, I withdraw from it all 

To them I try to speak, try to myself save 

But as my world burns, I am no longer brave 


Saying my final goodbyes, a night for them to remember 

Speaking to a stranger trying to convince me to stay

Yet I’m staring at the pile of pills on my bed

 A crushing sadness ringing in my head  


I’ve been stashing pills from sight, just in case 

Nobody knows, as I force my fate down 

Texting helplines, making my suicide letter 

All the while, crying into my sodden sweater 


Then fear, panic as they all find out 

Ambulances are called to save me from myself 

Anxiety bubbles deep within, I want to be dead 

For I’m realising my dignity has all but fled 


Time flashes in and out, my brain is foggy 

Nurses come and go, but he stays 

Wires are hooked up, I cannot go 

And I’m left wishing my life wasn’t my foe 


Hours speaking with stranger anew 

Rooms upon waiting rooms 

Time ticking by, my fate in their hands 

All the while, dreaming of the beaches’ warm sands 


Dreaming of a time so simple

Of peace, laughter and freedom

Of childhood and worries no more 

But in reality my heart is sore 


Nothing will be normal now, I have ruined it all 

They all know, my lies are torn from my soul 

I’m left with nobody, my family all but crashes 

And all I am left with, are those happy memories in ashes

Life’s Rules

Conceal don’t feel, yet express it all 

Never let them see you when you fall 

Be cold as ice, fearless but feel 

Be an ever growing beauty but who’s strong as steel


Voice your opinions yet it’s forbidden 

Go where you want but still keep yourself hidden

Be a wife who stays at home and yet still goes out to work 

Look after yourself, but motherly duties you do not shirk


Express yourself but in the right way 

Wear what you want but wandering eyes will stray 

Be confident and strong but be meek and kind 

For only then yourself you’ll find

Am I weak?
Lifes Rules

Am I Weak?

Am I weak when I cry? 

Am I weak when I sigh? 

Am I weak when I make a sound? 

Am I weak when nobody’s around? 

Am I weak for being true? 

Am I weak for not being you? 

Am I weak for being sad?

Am I weak for being mad? 


Is one weak for wanting to be represented fairly? 

For wanting to see oneself on screen more than rarely? 

Am I weak for being judged by society?  

Am I weak for having anxiety? 

Am I weak for wanting respect? 

Is one weak for wanting a day free of feeling wrecked? 


Am I weak for wanting to be treated nicely?

Am I weak for wanting the facts told precisely?

Is one weak for not fitting into our world? 

Is one weak for having insults rudely hurled?

Am I weak for holding many scars? 

Am I weak for publishing my memoirs? 


Are we weak for being us? 

Are we weak for making a fuss? 

Are we weak when we’re scorned? 

Are we weak when we have mourned? 

Are we weak when we take days off? 

Are we weak when they scoff?  


But wait, who says being weak isn’t being strong? 

Who says weakness is being wrong? 

Who tells me weak is shameful? 

Who says that I am blameful? 

Blameful for being who I am

Blameful for not shutting like a clam. 

Blameful for never being quiet

Blameful for starting this inward riot


So am I weak when I cry? 

Am I weak for not being shy? 

Am I weak for telling my story aloud?

Am I weak for standing tall and proud? 

Even when judgement is all around? 

Tell me, am I weak for being true? 

Being true to the likes of me and you? 

Am I weak for being sad? 

And for rightfully feeling mad? 

Am I weak for wanting to be seen? 

Am I weak for being a depressed teen? 

Or am I really being strong each day long? 

Could I be strong for fighting to belong? 

Tell me have I been weak or been strong all poem long?


Well it’s been a while oh dreaded bloodthirsty urge 

You do so love taunting me with your emotional purge 

Temptation is all you see, sliver glinting, blades 

Saying it will all be better if I listen to your bloodied aid 

If I just drew that knife across my skin 

If I just drew blood, then I’d win 

If I just shallowly cut 

Then your mouth, would for a while, finally shut 


You’re so strong, so insistent I listen 

For after all, I know what joy it brings to see on my arm, my blood glisten 

And I want to listen, give in, stop fighting 

But instead, here I am, frantically a poem, writing. 


For I know, chances are, nobody will see this 

For the two people I have allowed in, will surely, this link, miss? 

It’s not like I can talk to her, nor him 

For fear of resentment or judgement coming from within 


I wish I could, I wish I could reach out, go help 

But in reality, nobody would hear my pained yelp 

For I am still in this world, alone 

In my caravan, playing loud music from my phone 

Trying to drown your noise out

Trying to not to my strength, doubt 

But I know deep down, you’ll win 

It’s only a matter of time, before you force your way in 

And then the 6 months of hard work, will go 

And my scar collection will once more, grow 

And my self hatred will rear its head more 

And your wish, will become my nightly chore


The war rages on 

The fight grows stronger 

Each sides army struggling to control the pawn 

As the bloodshed lasts longer


Last night they took control 

Last night I was far from whole 

Last night, the dark won 

Last night I was so done 


Last night I wanted it to end 

No more bloodshed, not more wills to bend 

No more feeling hauntingly numb 

No more fleeting fear to run from

Oh how I wish this endless hurt was gone



I hate who I see looking back at me 

I hate every inch of her, from the scars to the feet

I hate that everytime I see her, I want to scream 

I hate the person in the mirror I see 


I hate her chapped lips, the ghostly complexion, the picked skin 

I hate the lanky height of her, the weird weight, the deadened eyes 

I hate the uncontrollable hair, the bitten nails, the rough hands  

I hate the child I see staring back at me 


I hate her rotten childhood scars, the stubby nose, the fat cheeks 

I hate the wide hips, the fat thighs, the blobby stomach 

I hate the stupid self inflicted scars, the wobbly nail on my pinky toe, the clicky wrists 

I hate, hate the teenager I see staring back at me 


I hate her neediness, the irritating quirks, the rampant anxiety

I hate the lack of will power, the idiotic ideas, the lack of trust 

I hate the sad soul, the self destruction, the evil inside

I hate, hate, hate the young woman I see staring back at me 


I hate who I see looking back at me 

I hate everything about me 

I hate that I don’t believe in me

I hate the ghost of me I see reflected 

I hate that I hate me 

All Too Much


I told you I was ok but I was lying 

I told you I was fine but I was dying 

I told you I was in control but I was crying 

I told you so many things and you believed me 

I told you I wasn’t hurt but I was 

I told you I wasn’t in pain but I was 

I told you I wasn’t angry but I was 

I told you so many lies, how did you believe me?

I told you I wanted this but did I? 

I told you I didn’t love you but did I? 

I told you I didn’t need you but did I? 

I told you so many things why did you believe me? 


I told you we were fine but we weren’t 

I told you we were friends but we weren’t 

I told you we were better together but we weren’t 

I told you so many lies but you still believed me


I told you I didn’t love him but now I do 

I told you I didn’t get you but now I do 

I told you I didn’t like singing but now I do 

I told you too many things about me, why did you stay? 


I told you I was truthful but I wasn’t 

I told you I was trustworthy but I wasn’t 

I told you I was happy but I wasn’t 

I told you too many things about me, I trust you 


I told you my past was tough but was it? 

I told you college was shit but was it? 

I told you my truth was true but was it? 

I told you too many things about me, I need you 


I told you I self harmed and you stayed 

I told you I wanted to die and you stayed 

I told you I hated life and you stayed 

I told you too many things about me, I want you to go 


I told you to go but you stayed

I told you the lie but you stayed 

I told you the truth but you didn’t stay 

I told you too many lies, I want you to come back

All Too Much

It’s all too much to deal with, the stress and emotional pain 

I feel like I can’t breathe, like I am drowning in the mental strain 

I want to run, to fly, to escape but I am trapped 

It’s like my ability to cope has been snapped 


Who do I turn to? Who do I trust? 

If I turn to him or her, will my security start to rust? 

If I yell, scream or cry for help, will they hear? 

If I can’t hide, can’t cope, will they jeer? 


It’s all too much to deal with, the fear and tutor-based trauma

I feel like I am on edge,  unable to unsee the painful drama 

I want to flee but also want to run to them, but I am scared 

It’s like my insecurities for all have been bared 


I’m so terrified they will burn me too 

That even my friends will reject me from my arts in health crew 

I’m filled to the brim with anxiety and thoughts unsaid 

Worried to the bone they will all tear me to a bloody shred 


It’s all too much to deal with, the court case, the SA 

I feel like I can’t function, I am far from okay 

But I have to keep going on, otherwise I’ll fail 

And when that happens, everyone I care for here will bail 


I’m so worried I will let them all down 

That their once welcoming smiles, will turn into a sneering frown

If I break down, lose control, will they stay? 

If I can’t deal with it all, would they take some of the stress away? 


It’s all too much to deal with all at once, why now? 

I feel like all I want to do is sleep, why now? 

I want to run from it all, bury my head in the sand, why now? 

Why now? Why now? Why now? 


It’s all just too much


Im too stressed
I wanna cry
I'm too stressed
When will the stress say goodbye?

I dont want to fail
Ive worked too hard
I dont understand
I want to give up

Im so stressed
I wanna hide
I'm so stressed
Will the stress by my wishes bide?

I dont want to redo
I'm so confused
I dont get what I did wrong
I might give up

My confidence in tatters
My anxiety screaming
My stress levels high
I want it to stop
I need it to stop
It has to stop...



I'm known to them as the girl who's shy and weird 

The girl who talks to the ones they're scared of 

I'm the one whose hair is a frizz ball but I don't care.  

I'm always the one who's never asked to parties or to hang out 

I'm always the one sat on her own outside their door 

I try to talk and be nice to all of them but all they can see is the outcast inside of me.  


They can beat me, betray me, do anything they want because I know

that my heart is good and my courage strong, it'll take more than words to kill me…  


All they see is the girl with her nose in a book 

The girl who stares at a computer screen like it's something new. 

They don't see the smiley happy girl, who loves to chat and talk. 

They don’t see the passion oozing out of me,

It seems no matter how hard I work or try to fit in, an outcast is all I will ever be to them.  


Trust me, I've tried to fit into the crowd. I dyed my hair and hated it. 

 I tried to pretend to be the one they wanted to see but failed dismally 

 I don't like makeup, I don't like being dishonest or bitching about people behind their backs.  

I like being open and straight with people but that seems to drive them mad


I know that this is only a stepping stone to where I want to be.  

I know it's not for long that I have to deal with being shunned for being who I am  

But I just want them to see the fun and loving side of me, to see how I don't give up easily 

I guess I'm just an outcast after all

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